Dig for a Day
July 11, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Join the Wyoming Dinosaur Center for a full day of dinosaur discovery within a 10-minute drive of the Wyoming Dinosaur Center. Dig for bones in one of our active dinosaur sites, search an ancient sea bed for marine fossils, and enjoy a full guided tour of the Wyoming Dinosaur Center museum!
The Dig For A Day program is open to all ages, from young children to active senior citizens, regardless of experience. Individuals and families are welcome. A parent or legal guardian must accompany anyone under the of age 18.
You may dig with us 7 days a week from May 25 through September 15 (weather permitting). Our climate averages about 321 clear days a year. When we do not feel conditions on the hill are safe, we will cancel the dig. Your registration fee will be refunded in full, or we will work with you to reschedule your dig if possible.
Transportation is provided to the dig site from the Wyoming Dinosaur Center. Personal vehicles are not permitted.
View the Wyoming Dinosaur Center cancellation policy.
Venue: Wyoming Dinosaur Center
Venue Phone: (307) 864-2997
Venue Website: https://wyomingdinosaurcenter.org